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Hobo 5

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Earlier version(s) of Hobo 5 action game:
Hobo 3Hobo 3
Help Hobo for he is being chased by the police after he managed to escape from prison. He will do anything to keep his freedom. He will spit, vomit, kick and punch.
Hobo 4 Total WarHobo 4 Total War
Follow the epic story of Hobo. He is now considered as a major threat to the city. He is brutal and he won't show any mercy. With his brute strength, he can even kill an army.
Hobo 5 Space BrawlsHobo 5 Space Brawls
Defeat the Hobo clones. You were abducted by the aliens and they managed to drain your powerful combos. You have to fight back to regain your combos. Do your best to defeat those aliens with lasers.
Hobo 6Hobo 6
Go out of your mind and be crazy enough to fight the devils of hell. As if you can really do anything, you are dead and you do not want your soul to be tormented.
Hobo 7Hobo 7
Join Hobo as he sets forth to experience what it feels like to be in Heaven. Unfortunately, the angels won't allow him to enter because they know that he will only cause a lot of trouble.
Future version(s):

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