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Not a Clone

Rated 3.33 out of 5
3,497 plays
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*The Unity Web Player is free, safe and easy to install. It offers true 3D content directly in your browser with amazing graphics and physics. You can read more about it here.

Not a Clone Description
Not a Clone
Posted on December 12, 2014.
Game file size of 7.43 MB.

Play through as many mobile games as you can in this satirical flash game that looks to emphasize the clone wars that go on in the mobile app market. Play as many games as fast as possible, seeing how many clones you can get through before your phone battery runs out. Watch as the games become extremely tiresome and boring, denoting that originality in the mobile application market can be quite rare. Not a Clone is presented to you by SolidGames.com. This action game has been played 3,497 times by our visitors and currently has a rating of 67% after 3 votes.

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